Saturday, February 27, 2010
Can you multitask
ShareOh my fucking god, this game will give you a brain aneurysm.
Its one of those, this should be so simple but i cant do it games.
... ok one more go
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The world
ShareIt was probably this image:
Just made a 4yr old me go.. FUCK we are really small in this world.
Today NASA released some new Blue Marble photos that make a 32yr old me go.. fuck we are STILL very small in this world.
Click on the image for full size version, I had to shrink it down or it would overflow the page of the blog.
More NASA pics of the Earth for space can be found here
I kinda do feel like the Astronauts in this video when looking at these images
Also, blog post 200. Did i give you something to think about today?
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Because we all like a clock counting down
ShareSunday, February 21, 2010
A Hard Days Night Of The Dead
ShareVenn Diagram of Sci Fi awesomeness
ShareDoctor Who Trailer 2010
ShareLast night BBC aired their newest trailer for this years seasons of Dr Who.
Interesting trailer, Not what i expected,Didn't really tell me anything new( last weeks teaser image had all that info in it) but enough to wet my appetite.
For those lucky enough to live in the UK an see Alice In Wonderland in a cineworld cinema, that trailer is being show in 3D... Hmmmm 3D who, now THAT sounds fun.
April 2010 is gonna bring back alot of my fave shows to TV
Plus there is easter eggs... YAY!!!
Calvin & Cthulhu
ShareThis is such a genius T-Shirt, Its such a pity Bill Watterson never licensed any Calvin an Hobbes merchandise outside of the books. Still nerds and fanboys find away round these things
Tshirt can be found here
Also, a very slight nitpick, but shouldnt the T-Shirt be called Calvin & Cthulhu on the website? As its quiet clear Hobbes is Cthulhu and Calvin is some sort of merman type creature.
Meh, T-shirt still rules regardless
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Internet Slang for the English Gentlemen
I found your last comment humorous, good sir!
My jubilant utterance could be heard in the next room!
lol - laugh out loud
I did laugh merrily in an out loud fashion.
rofl - rolling on floor laughing
I dare say I fell onto the ground, and proceeded to roll about as if I were swine of some sort.
lmao - laughing my ass off
I laughed so intensely that my buttocks nearly disconnected from my flesh.
pmsl - pissed myself laughing
My guttural emission of joy caused me to urinate my trousers.
w/e - whateverRight. Would you like some tea?
stfu - shut the fuck up
If you were drinking tea right now, you would not be speaking.
gtfo - get the fuck outI must request that you depart hastily.
tits or gtfo - tits or get the fuck out
Madam, I ask that you reveal your bosom to me, for if you do not, I must request that you depart hastily.
afk - away from keyboardI will be absent from this typing device for the time being.
rtfm - read the fucking manual
Jeeves, would you please look over these instructions?
milf - mother I’d like to fuck
Even though that gentlewoman has bared offspring, I cannot deny that I still have the desire to fornicate with her.
smd - suck my dick
Would you be so kind as to fellate my little Englishman?
ftw - for the winVictory!
ftl - for the lose
Defeat? I do not believe that is so. We have clearly planted the flag of our nation. Do you not see the flag? Victory!
mofo - mother fucker
You have coital relations with your mother, sir! I suspect you to be royalty and I humbly bow at your feet.
omgwtfbbq - oh my god, what the fuck, barbecueGreat deity in heaven, what in the queen’s name is that? That makes less sense than an outdoor cooking apparatus.
Full List hereFootball fans
ShareHmmmmm I wonder... Could you do a remake of I.D but as a musical?
That... could be interesting.
Either way, very clever advertising I have to say
Friday, February 19, 2010
Seth Macfarlane's creative process
ShareThursday, February 18, 2010
New Who for you
ShareShows some of the villians the Doctor will be fighting this season along with a new Time an Space vortex animation..
Ok, Seriously a new fucking time an space vortex?
Torchwood wins SFX award
ShareRussel T Davis Recently won an award from SFX for : BEST TV EPISODE - "Children Of Earth" Part Five
This is his acceptance speech, which was read out on the night:
Hello SFX, it's Russell T Davies here, I'll just dictate this on to your answerphone. Thanks very much to everyone who voted, and I'd also like to thank... Oh, hold on. Sorry. No, I'm busy, I'm on the phone to SFX. It's a magazine. No wonder you haven't heard of it, it's a specialist magazine. For special people. Yes, with special needs. They've given Torchwood a prize for Best TV Episode. No, stop laughing, they have. No, they really have. Honestly, stop laughing. I'm not kidding, seriously, stop laughing, now. No, it's not the Comedy Awards. Which episode? Day 5. No, not Day 4. No, definitely not Day 4. I didn't write Day 4. I don't f**king care what you think, Day 4 didn't win, okay? And no, he's not coming back to life, so forget it! You're no longer playing Ianto, you're my houseboy, so accept it, okay? Anyway. Yeah, thanks SFX, and thanks to the magnificent cast and crew, and to BBC One for their support. I'm really delighted and honoured that people made the effort to vote for this, so thank you hugely. Hold on. You missed a bit, Gareth, over there, that's it, bend over. Bye. Click. Brrrr."
So, I guess all us Lanto fanboys have to just accept that he is gone for ever
Saturday, February 13, 2010
I wants
ShareThursday, February 11, 2010
I never realised people felt this way
ShareDid my publicist know about this?
Have your people call my people, we'll do lunch.
LOL My favourite part of that whole video was the old lady throwing all the photos of her family off the sideboard.
Best viral video ever to exist on the internet EVER
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Dividing by Zero
ShareThis man could have ended all of time and space by clicking that one button.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Who News
ShareDavid Tennant has received the Best Drama Peformance...
Doctor Who won best Drama award...
Thats the fifth year in a row that it has won best Drama.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Where The Wild Sopranos's Are...
ShareIt was bound to happen, I just wish i thought of it first is all.